Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Kay and Kevin on Quijote in Spirit

The weather can't seem to make up its mind. We woke this morning to blue sky patches, lighter winds, and blissfully smoother water. Great! I thought. We'll finally be able to relax a little. But now the wind and the waves and the rain are back. Who said this trip was going to be sunny? Tropics? Ha!

We stopped cooking in the galley yesterday. There's no reason to include hot food to the list of projectiles flying about the cabin. Cold cereal and sandwiches will do just fine.

We're starting to count the days until our arrival on Oahu. Eight days until showers.

Kevin and Kay (Quijote crew on previous trips): your names come up periodically. Kevin, the big bucket of raw honey that you brought a year or two ago has been slowly disappearing and widely appreciated. And the foreguy we added to the spinnaker pole has been working well, even though we no longer have a spinnaker (see last year's blog).

Kay, your imprint is ubiquitous. Occasionally I'm forced to meet a raised eyebrow with a shrug, but we are so thankful for all the thought that went into the non-perishable supplies and provisions that were left on board a year ago. It made this year's task so much easier. I just wish you guys were here to join us.

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. Hopeful my curious items on Quijote give you mild entertainment somehow.
