Sunday, March 7, 2021

Pre-departure Details

Time is winding down. At least we hope it is. If all goes well we'll be departing for Hawaii on Monday morning. Two things have to happen for that to happen: first the insurance policy has to come through. That is by no means certain. It's been like pulling teeth to get coverage for some reason. I really don't know why it's so difficult. The agent I usually use appeared relieved when I told him we were going to try another company after he failed to find anything for us after a couple of weeks of trying. The current policy is good for less than 200 miles offshore. If the policy for the ocean crossing falls through we will have no recourse but to bash our way up the coast line. I wouldn't mind self insuring but the bank will have none of that.

The other thing we have to do to be ready to leave on Monday morning is finish provisioning. We saved that job until the last minute so all the perishables will last, or at least last longer.

So while Quijote crew finalized last minute details, Quijote herself waits patiently to get going. She is squeaky clean and looking good.


  1. Wow I hope you get insurance successfully

  2. It's just one thing after another sometimes. Still, I have belief in your inventiveness and perseverance, Rod. Quijote, Captain, and Crew will overcome!

    -- Kevin --
