Sunday, April 4, 2021


 We docked around 7am this morning Honolulu time. That was late enough that the marina office opened up shortly thereafter and we were able to get keys to the showers.  Heavenly bliss that hot shower.

Then breakfast at the Mariott: exceptional eggs benny, followed by several hours of boat work.  The crew scrubbed the top sides while I changed the engine oil and fan belt.  Then off to Waikiki, we three, for a few days of relaxation before we get to work and do it all over again: reprovision, refuel, recharge and relaunch; this time north to Puget Sound, homeward bound.

I confess I might do some Quijote puttering tomorrow. It's the very best kind of puttering and since rumor has it tomorrow is Easter, what else are we going to do? go to church? (Snort) Yea right.

With good bandwidth I can finally send a few images taken during this first leg.

Quijote Crew Ready to Depart

La Paz Sends us off with Fanfare

The left image is a weather chart showing doldrums in blue and our path in white crosses to avoid them. The chart on the right shows our path through the jibe with more data points.

The dodger gets torn out by leaning on it too hard. The fragile, UV damaged stitching can't hold out. Rod sets to work with a hand repair, pushing the sturdy needle though thick Naugahyde with a pawl.
It ain't pretty, but it'll hold.

Rock Formations off Cabo Saint Lucas

Danny Wins the Battle Against a Dorado 

It Doesn't Take Much Sail to Go Fast in 26 to 30 knots wind. We saw gusts to 35 and seas 30 feet from trough to crest.

Looking for Attention? Take Off Your Shirt and Put a Dead Fish in your Mouth. This one Found our Deck in the Middle of the Night and was quite dead before its encounter with Danny.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post - finally some photos - although the title of the post could have just as well been REdux with all your "re" activities
