Saturday, April 24, 2021

On Schedule

Ship's time is still on Honolulu time, two hours behind Seattle. Ship's time is by consent of the crew. It's a small nugget of autonomy, choosing when you want your sun to rise and set. Our sun is rising around 4 am, so we may elect to make the change to Seattle time before we arrive. The time doesn't impact us much otherwise, except to determine when we start and stop our watches.

Heading east makes the sun rise earlier and heading north makes it colder. I'm wearing gloves for the first time since leaving Seattle in Aug 2019. We must be making progress!

Our two year semi-circumnavigation loop turned out to be smaller than expected, but Quijote is returning around the time we had originally planned. We're a few months early perhaps. There was no French Polynesia, Tonga, Fiji, or New Zealand, but we're on schedule!

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